![Photo of a female protestor in her bra with body paint that says Its my body not your politaical agenda! and a sign that says: If I want an abortion I will get one, You are jsut voting to make it unsafe. [How very pro-life of you]](
![Photo of a female protestor in her bra with body paint that says Its my body not your politaical agenda! and a sign that says: If I want an abortion I will get one, You are jsut voting to make it unsafe. [How very pro-life of you]](
RoeBot \ro-bät\ n (1973) [American] 1 : a man or woman who rejects human reason and morality in favor of mindless devotion to Roe vs. Wade 2 : someone of value to the pro-choice community because of their limited critical thinking skills and cult-like obedience 3 : a useful idiot for the abortion industry
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This is an actual photo of women participating in the feminist project, “Raising the Skirt,” where they gathered and flashed their privates and roared… (yes roared)…. supposedly to “celebrate the diversity of vaginas.” 0 0 votes Rate This Post! FacebookTweetEmail