RoeBot \ro-bät\ n (1973) [American] 1 : a man or woman who rejects human reason and morality in favor of mindless devotion to Roe vs. Wade 2 : someone of value to the pro-choice community because of their limited critical thinking skills and cult-like obedience 3 : a useful idiot for the abortion industry
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WATCH: Pro-choice student EATS @StudentsforLife's fake baby… 😳 This is not normal behavior. But it's emblematic of a bigger problem on our college campuses. pic.twitter.com/upA1q43FMU — Brad Polumbo 🇺🇸⚽️🏳️🌈 (@brad_polumbo) October 16, 2023 0 0 votes Rate This Post! FacebookTweetEmail
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